Scars treatment following surgery
A new device manufactured by the Sharp Light Company, containing a number of handles for the treatment of various indications:
- ND-YAG Laser: a handle treating post-surgical scars. The wave length can dismantle the hemoglobin, thus clarifying and paling the scar, giving it a color similar to the skin’s color.
- Erbium Laser: a handle utilized for filing elevated scars. It treats Keloid scars by slowly filing skin cells, the target being lowering the scar to skin level height. At the completion of a series of treatments, and in order to prevent the recurrence of an elevated hypertrophic scar, the reception of steroid injections directly into the scar is recommended. These injections are performed by Dr. Haim Kaplan, at the clinic’s complex.
- VP2: a handle capable of treating pigmentations such as: sun spots, age spots, “café-au-lait”, and couperose type pigmentations.
- Q Switch: a handle for a tattoo removal treatments. The wave length can break down the ink, and gradually with the time, the tattoo’s color will become lighter and paler.
- SR: a handle utilized for firming, solidifying and smoothing facial wrinkles. The light beam causes the production of collagen and elastin and the skin becomes radiant, glowing and firm.
- A laser handle used for fingernail and/or toenails fungus treatments.
In all indications: scar clarification, scar height filing, tattoos removal treatment, onychomycosis (fungal infection), pigmentation/couperose treatment, a series of 6-10 treatments is recommended for maximum effect.